20 January 2023 The Parliamentary Friendship Group with Russia in meeting with the Russian Ambassador to Serbia

20 January 2023 The Parliamentary Friendship Group with Russia in meeting with the Russian Ambassador to Serbia

Friday, 20 January 2023

PFG with Russia Meets with Russian Ambassador to Serbia

The main topic of today’s meeting of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Russia, headed by Igor Braunovic, with the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Republic of Serbia Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko, was arranging a meeting of State Duma deputies and members of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

The Ambassador thanked the Parliamentary Friendship Group for its support during the 60th General Assembly of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation held in Belgrade, 6 – 8 December 2022, highlighting the importance of the cooperation between the two countries at the interparliamentary level.

Braunovic said that Serbia would continue to protect its interests in line with the Constitution, international law, in consultation with the state authorities, the chief objective of which is the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Serbia.

Snezana Paunovic, member of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Russia and National Assembly Deputy Speaker, stressed that despite the pressures it suffers as regards the Kosovo-Metohija issue and the imposition of restrictive measures against Russia, Serbia would not back down from its foreign policy goals, especially in international organisations’ forums.

Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko took the opportunity to officially invite the members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group to visit the State Duma, meet with its members and discuss even deeper modes of cooperation at the bilateral level.

The meeting was also attended by PFG members Dubravka Kralj, Zagorka Aleksic, Dr Marko Bogdanovic, Draginja Vlk, Veroljub Arsic and MA Ivan Kostic.

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