23 February 2023 The members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Poland and the State Secretary of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

23 February 2023 The members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Poland and the State Secretary of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Thursday, 23 February 2023

PFG with Poland Meets with Polish Foreign Ministry State Secretary

The members of the Parliamentary Friendship Group with Poland met today with the State Secretary of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arkadiusz Mularczyk to discuss the cooperation between Serbia and Poland, with a special focus on improving parliamentary cooperation and cooperation in interparliamentary and international organisations.

It was assessed that the two countries are bound by traditionally good and friendly relations, as well as the great suffering of both peoples in the Second World War. Both sides expressed readiness for broad and meaningful parliamentary cooperation and for continuation of high-level political dialogue.

The Head of the PFG with Poland Ana Miljanic pointed out that the fact the Group has 25 members speaks volumes of the MPs’ desire to work on improving relations with the Republic of Poland. She expressed the expectation that her Polish colleagues would pay a return visit to Serbia to continue the exchange of experiences and cooperation at the parliamentary level. Miljanic stressed that the most important national issue for Serbia is Kosovo-Metohija and that Belgrade remains committed to dialogue with Pristina, which is the only way to reach a mutually acceptable solution. She particularly emphasised that the starting point for a long-term solution for Serbia cannot be the recognition of Kosovo's independence. Miljanic informed Mularczyk of the rising frequency of provocation by Pristina aimed at destabilisation and causing new crises in Kosovo-Metohija, repeating that Belgrade insists and perseveres in the preservation of peace and stability.

Furthermore, Miljanic pointed out that the National Assembly is particularly dedicated to the Kosovo-Metohija issue, as evidenced by the special sessions where, in the presence of the President of the Republic of Serbia, where the state's activities aimed at preserving our national interests were discussed. The Head of the PFG with Poland also said that our country’s chief foreign policy goal is EU membership, adding that Serbia is implementing numerous reforms, such as the recent changes to the Constitution in the part related to the judiciary. Serbia has also accepted the new EU methodology and is committed to gradual alignment with the EU's foreign and security policy, so that at the moment of full membership, it will be fully aligned with it.

The officials went on to highlight the good economic cooperation between the two countries, as well as Poland's interest in future investments in Serbia and the development of cooperation in areas such as culture, education, science, innovation and others.

The State Secretary of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Arkadiusz Mularczyk stressed that, for his country, Serbia is an important partner in the Balkans and announced the opening of an economic cooperation office in Belgrade, as well as the establishment of a Polish cultural centre, in view of the ample room for economic and business cooperation, as well as cooperation in other areas. He said that Poland would continue to support Serbia's European integration process and emphasised his country's support for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which should lead to acceptable solutions.

The MPs with the Polish State Secretary also talked about the situation in Ukraine, the issue of refugees and the negative impact of this conflict on Poland, as well as the direction of its international policy and the understanding of Serbia’s specific geopolitical position in this matter.

PFG member Dubravka Filipovski informed the guest about two problems that Serbia is facing, in PACE in particular, namely the opposition to Kosovo's entry into the Council of Europe and the lengthy monitoring stage, from which Serbia should move on to the post-monitoring stage. She thanked State Secretary Mularczyk for the understanding of the Polish delegation, which was in favour of postponing Kosovo's admission into the Council of Europe, as well as for his country's support for the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and Serbia’s European integration process. She restated that Belgrade is committed to dialogue, but that it will never give up its southern province. She informed the State Secretary about the support Serbia provides to Ukrainian refugees on its territory and the reasons for not imposing sanctions on the Russian Federation, as well as the numerous pressures that Serbia is currently exposed to.

The conversation with the State Secretary of the Polish Ministry of the Foreign Affairs was also attended by PFG members Ivana Nikolic, Natasa Ivanovic and Stasa Stojanovic.

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wednesday, 18 september
  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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