Monday, 4 September 2023

Ninth Sitting of the Culture and Information Committee

At the sitting held on 4 September 2023, the members of the Culture and Information Committee considered the Bill on the Confirmation of the Film Co-Production Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Italy, submitted by the Government.

The Bill was presented by State Secretary at the Ministry of Culture Miodrag Ivanovic.

Following a discussion the Committee passed the Bill on the Confirmation of the Film Co-Production Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Italy by majority vote.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Deputy Chairman Nebojsa Bakarec, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Stasa Stojanovic, Edis Durgutovic, Natasa Knezevic Tasic, Branislav Josifovic, Prof. Dr Tamara Milenkovic Kerkovic, Nikola Bokan, Lepomir Ivkovic, Natasa Bogunovic, Prim. Dr Nada Macura, Rozalia Okresz, Branko Vukajlovic, Dr Danijela Grujic and Tatjana Manojlovic.

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