Wednesday, 28 November 2007

Ninth Sitting of the Committee on Interethnic Relations

At the sitting held on 28 November, the members of the Committee on Interethnic Relations adopted all the suggestions, comments and proposals to the Draft Culture Bill discussed at the previous Committee sitting, on 21 November.

At the sitting held on 28 November, the members of the Committee on Interethnic Relations adopted all the suggestions, comments and proposals to the Draft Culture Bill discussed at the previous Committee sitting, on 21 November. The Committee sitting was chaired by Ana Makanova-Tomanova.

The Committee members stated that the Committee should have an active role in all the stages of the drafting of the Culture Bill, especially in the part pertaining to national minorities and preserving their national and cultural identity. They reiterated that a public debate on the Draft Bill is underway after which all comments and suggestions will be forwarded to the working group for the drafting of the Bill at the Ministry of culture.

The members of parliament requested that the Draft Bill be forwarded to them before being forwarded to the Government for adoption.

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