National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details
26 October 2011 National Assembly Speaker Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic addresses US Congressional Serbian Caucus
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
National Assembly Speaker at US Congressional Serbian Caucus
The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, Prof. Dr Slavica Djukic-Dejanovic, currently in visit to the US, addressed the members of the Serbian Caucus. She briefed them on Serbia’s activities aimed at EU accession which is one of its strategic foreign policy goals.
In that context, Djukic-Dejanovic said that the National Assembly is hard at work on adopting pro-European and systemic laws which received positive marks in the European Commission’s report recommending that
The National Assembly Speaker stressed that in the Kosovo-Metohija matter,
Djukic-Dejanovic met separately with Congressman Dan Burton, co-chair of the Serbian Caucus, as well as Congressmen Pete Vicklosky and Cynthia Lummis. American Congressman and co-chair of the Serbian Caucus Dan Burton announced a visit by a Congressional delegation to the Balkans on 5 November in the course of which the congressmen would visit