16 November 2023 The National Assembly Speaker at the conference marking the 60th anniversary of the Constitutional Court

16 November 2023 The National Assembly Speaker at the conference marking the 60th anniversary of the Constitutional Court

Thursday, 16 November 2023

National Assembly Speaker at Conference on 60th Anniversary of Constitutional Court

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Dr Vladimir Orlic spoke today at the opening of the International Conference "The role of constitutional courts in the implementation of the European Convention on Human Rights and European Court of Human Rights case-law ", organised to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of the Constitutional Court of Serbia.

Congratulating the jubilee, Dr Orlic said that the importance and tradition of the constitutional judiciary in Serbia should be displayed with pride, in order to further strengthen the authority and influence of the Constitutional Court as the guarantor of constitutionality, legality and protection of fundamental human and minority rights and freedoms.

As he said, the Republic of Serbia, through the state policy led by the undisputed will of the people by the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic, and followed by the Serbian Parliament, has shown that the issue of human rights is an area of greatest importance, one which the National Assembly also contributes to by ratifying international agreements and declarations, with the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms occupying an important place among them. He stressed that the National Assembly’s 13th legislature had been active by adopting numerous laws concerning the regulation and improvement of the mentioned area, recalling that it helped carry out constitutional reform which significantly contributed to the independence of the judiciary, as was recognised in the European Commission's 2023 Report on Serbia. "The EC Report also notes that the legislative and institutional framework relating to human rights in Serbia has largely been established," said Speaker Orlic.

He went on to say that the Constitutional Court contributes to the preservation of the unity of the legal order and respect for the principles of the rule of law. "On that count, the relationship our Constitutional Court has had and is developing with the National Assembly for decades in the procedures for assessing the constitutionality of laws is also important. That relationship, in the spirit of this Conference and its objective, can be viewed not only from the position of the authority of the Constitutional Court's function and the generally binding effect and power of its decisions, but also as a type of dialogue and mutual respect that exists between the Constitutional Court and the National Assembly. This kind of relationship contributes to preserving the principles of the rule of law in our country - free, sovereign, independent, which consistently respects its Constitution, at the same time consistently respects the principles of public international law and its integrity, always as much as it respects the integrity of every state, expecting identical respect from all others," said Dr Orlic and added: "In the words of the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vucic, addressed to the entire world from the podium of the UN General Assembly: our policy is based on the understanding that the principles and rules established between states and people are truly principles only when they apply identically to all. For the Republic of Serbia, the word priciples is written in capital letters, and that will never change," concluded Dr Orlic, once again congratulating the Constitutional Court on its jubilee and wishing the participants of the Conference successful work.

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