18 March 2015 The National Assembly Speaker in meeting with the Portuguese Foreign Minister

18 March 2015 The National Assembly Speaker in meeting with the Portuguese Foreign Minister

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

National Assembly Speaker Meets with Portuguese Foreign Minister

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic met today with the Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs Rui Machete, currently in visit to Serbia.

Gojkovic and Machete agreed that the relations between Serbia and Portugal are traditionally very good and that meetings between the two countries’ officials can only further improve them.

Gojkovic thanked Portugal for its support of Serbia’s European integration and urging to open the first negotiation chapters, stressing that Serbia’s EU membership is a foreign policy priority.

Gojkovic hopes that in the course of his visit Machete will see for himself the progress Serbia has made, pointing out that the Government and the Parliament are fully dedicated to the reform process and their legislative activities aimed at harmonisation with the European legislation.

Machete expressed full support for Serbia’s Euro-integration, saying that the process was equally important both for Serbia and for Europe.

Gojkovic and Machete also discussed Serbia’s chairmanship of the OSCE, and the Portuguese Foreign Minister deemed the Serbia’s chairmanship of the OSCE crucial for the improvement of the situation in crisis areas.

The officials also talked about combating terrorism as a global phenomenon.

Gojkovic briefed Machete on the amendments made to the Criminal Code to prevent the participation of Serbian citizens in conflicts abroad, also adding that at the ongoing session the MPs were discussing the Bill on Restrictions on Disposal of Property with the Aim of Preventing Terrorism.

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