24 March 2023 The National Assembly Speaker with the Member of the European Parliament

24 March 2023 The National Assembly Speaker with the Member of the European Parliament

Friday, 24 March 2023

National Assembly Speaker Meets with Member of European Parliament

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Dr Vladimir Orlic met today with Jean-Lin Lacapelle, Member of the European Parliament.

Dr Orlic expressed his satisfaction at meeting a true friend to the Serbian people, as evidenced by the fact that his visit to Belgrade is taking place on the day of the anniversary of the criminal aggression against our country. The National Assembly Speaker took the opportunity to thank the MEP for the understanding he shows for Serbia's positions, as well as for the reverence he showed for the innocent victims of the 1999 bombing. "We have learned the lesson well: there is no universal justice or rights in this world, or at least not for everyone, in this world - interests rule. That is why today we pursue an exclusively sovereign, independent policy, based on the protection of our vital state and national interests. We consistently respect the principles of international law, even when it seems to us that we are the only ones, we speak loudly about our victims and our heroes. Today, Serbia is a country with integrity that respects itself and its own. We will never recognise so-called "Kosovo" or agree to its membership in the UN, just as we will not allow the isolation of our country and the repetition of the 90s’ ordeal. We will preserve peace, as well as the opportunities to continue to further develop and strengthen our country. That is what we are fighting for in the dialogue led by the President of the Republic Aleksandar Vucic with such skill openly welcomed by the world media," said Dr Orlic.

MEP Lacapelle extended support to Dr Orlic as regards respecting Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, condemning the violation of international rights in our country’s case and conveyed the expectation that the Republic of Serbia would manage to preserve its positions and interests is the complex circumstances. He also stressed the support of our country’s path to Europe, and especially support to diplomatic efforts it invests in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

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