The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic congratulated World Amateur Radio Day
"To all Serbian radio amateurs, my colleagues and friends, happy World Amateur Radio Day!
On 18 April 1925, in Paris, representatives of 25 national amateur radio organizations founded the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU), so this date was declared World Amateur Radio Day.
Radio amateurs were the ones who discovered the properties and usefulness of radio communication in various frequency bands. A large number of modern telecommunication technologies are based on the knowledge gained through amateur radio work. In modern society, they also greatly contribute to the creation of new technologies and are especially recognizable by their selfless response in emergency situations.
Although, due to a great many obligations I am very rarely on the radio frequencies, I know that my friends, the radio amateurs of Serbia are always around us, in a parallel world of radio waves, and at any moment thousands of them broadcast and receive radio signals, not only around the globe but also outside it - through the Universe, so let me cordially greet them with our usual abbreviation - 73!
Ivica Dacic, YU1YU”