10 May 2018 The members of three National Assembly committees in meeting with the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission

10 May 2018 The members of three National Assembly committees in meeting with the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Members of Three National Assembly Committees Meet with Venice Commission Rapporteurs

Members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues, Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government and the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality met with Venice Commission rapporteurs at the National Assembly House.

The Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues Djordje Komlenski informed the rapporteurs of the Venice Commission about the public debates on the working version of the amendments to the Constitution of Serbia relating to the judiciary, attended by experts, NGOs and interested citizens. Komlenski said that the amendments were proposed at the initiative of the Serbian Government i.e. the relevant Ministry of Justice. He also informed the guests of his view on the proposed relocation of the election of bearers of judicial office from the National Assembly.

The Chairman of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality Meho Omerovic said that the in the system of government the judiciary is independent and the courts try based on the law and in accordance with the Constitution, but the field still needs to be improved, which is something Serbia is aware of, especially in the context of EU accession, in line with the action plan for Chapter 23.

Members of the Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government Nedjo Jovanovic and Sreto Peric, Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues Gordana Comic and Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality Maja Videnovic also took part in the ensuing debate. The members of the three committees agreed that certain constitutional amendments to the judiciary are vital for the modernization of its operation and that communication between all the stakeholders is essential in the process.

The rapporteurs of the Venice Commission were interested in the opinion of the members of the relevant National Assembly committees stressing that amending the Constitution to strengthen the efficiency and independence of the judiciary is one of the most important reform steps, as per the recommendations of the European Commission.

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