19 January 2021 European Integration Committee Chairperson Elvira Kovacs and the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Tobias Flessenkemper

19 January 2021 European Integration Committee Chairperson Elvira Kovacs and the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Tobias Flessenkemper

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Kovacs and Flessenkemper Discuss Advancing Cooperation between National Assembly and Council of Europe

European Integration Committee Chairperson Elvira Kovacs met today at the National Assembly House with the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade Tobias Flessenkemper.

She briefed Flessenkemper on the pace and mode of operation of the National Assembly pending the beginning of the regular session, stressing that the European Integration Committee had been very active during the previous parliamentary session, and that she, as the newly elected Chairperson of that Committee, was motivated to invest maximum efforts into making sure that the working body continues to be productive

Congratulating Elvira Kovacs on her election for Committee Chairperson, the Head of the Council of Europe Office in Belgrade spoke about the Mission and National Assembly’s successful projects so far, as well as ones planned for the future. He said he wanted to encourage the Committee to use its full capacities, because it covers a wide range of areas that are extremely important for Serbia’s European integration process. He also recommended that the Committee rely on the capacities of the Council of Europe in terms of seeking expertise advice for adopted laws and acts.

The Committee Chairperson pointed out that the National Assembly has been implementing the recommendations of the working bodies of the Council of Europe, the Venice Commission, whose opinion was fully adopted in the preparation of draft amendments to the Constitution, as well as GRECO’s recommendations.

Tobias Flessenkemper said that the Council of Europe and its Belgrade Office stand ready to continue and strengthen cooperation with the National Assembly by intensifying dialogue with the parliamentary committees and the members of the National Assembly’s standing delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The PACE is to have a hybrid winter session next week.

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