10 April 2017 The Chairman of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija and the heroes of Kosare border outpost

10 April 2017 The Chairman of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija and the heroes of Kosare border outpost

Monday, 10 April 2017

Kosovo-Metohija Committee Chairman Meets with Kosare Border Outpost Heroes

The Chairman of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija MA Milovan Drecun received a delegation of the surviving heroes of Kosare border outpost attacked by KLA (UCK) terrorists on 9 April 1999.

Milovan Drecun said that 1998 and 1999, years when the state border in Kosovo-Metohija was defended, evoke strong emotions and honoured the military and police who fought there for their courage, patriotism and sacrifice. “The successful defence of the border was a turning point in the defence of our territory and state border after which the conflict was ended through diplomatic means”, said Drecun. “It is our duty to preserve the truth about the fight and those who lost their lives”, said Milovan Drecun and agreed with his guests on the importance of the initiative to raise a monument to all the defenders of the motherland. The participants regretted the fact that the wall of tears had been torn down in the protests in front of the National Assembly House.

The delegation comprised ensigns Zarko Petrovic and Milan Markovic, border guard Nebojsa Erceg, Colonel Ljubinko Djurkovic and the mother of the late Vladimir Radoicic, Lozanka Radoicic.

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