Thursday, 28 March 2002

Information on the Activities of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia from January to March 2002

1) Sessions of the National AssemblyThe National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held one session of extraordinary sitting, lasting 22 days, and commenced one session of regular sitting, lasting two days.

1) Sessions of the National Assembly

The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held one session of extraordinary sitting, lasting 22 days, and commenced one session of regular sitting, lasting two days.

From January to March 2002, 46 bills were submitted to the National Assembly for consideration, six of them under urgent procedure:

- By authorised submitters, 38 bills;
- By unauthorised submitters, eight bills.

The following authorised submitters proposed bills:

- Government of the Republic of Serbia - 12 bills;
- National Assembly Committees - one bill;
- Deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia - 21 bill;
- Other submitters (Assembly of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic Public Prosecutor, Constitutional Court of Serbia etc) - four bills.

A total of 1,564 amendments were submitted to these bills.

From January to March 2002, the National Assembly considered 12 bills, of which one under urgent procedure. The following submitted bills that were considered:

- Government of the Republic of Serbia - six bills;
- Deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia - three bills,
- Other submitters - three bills.

From January to March the National Assembly adopted nine bills, of which one under urgent procedure. Seven Acts and two Decisions were passed.

From January to March 2002, Deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia posed two Deputies' Questions to the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministries.

2) Sessions of National Assembly Committees

From January to March 2002, the National Assembly's 23 Committees held 45 sessions with 61 items on the agenda, as well as 45 other meetings, gatherings and activities. Information on these activities is given in the appendix.

During the same period, the Committee on Petitions and Proposals received and processed 129 written petitions and directly interviewed 142 people (this number does not include repeated petitions or citizens' direct contact with the chairman, deputy chairman and members of the Committee, or with the secretary of the Committee).

3) Work of Deputies' Groups at the National Assembly

From January to March 2002, the ten Deputies' Groups and 11 subgroups held 64 meetings (meetings held during National Assembly sittings are not listed). A list of meetings by Deputies' Group is given in the appendix.

Belgrade, 5 April 2002


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wednesday, 12 february
  • 13.30 - the Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee meets with the Czech Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly Building, 14 Kralja Milana Street, office 53)

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