Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality Committee Chairman Meho Omerovic Congratulates Christmas

The Chairman of the Committee on Human and Minority Rights and Gender Equality, Meho Omerovic congratulated Christmas according to the Julian Calendar:

“Merry Christmas to the Patriarch of Serbia, Serbian Orthodox Church believers and all the citizens who celebrate the most joyous of Christian holidays according to the Julian calendar!

May the holiday bring peace, happiness and good cheer into your homes. These days reminds us of our nearest, those we hold dear, whom we love, respect and esteem. These are also the days of forgiveness.

In this world of lost values we live in we need to have more understanding, tolerance and solidarity.

So, may Christmas convey love to all who live in Serbia and may you spend it with your family, neighbours and friends!”

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