31 October 2017 The National Assembly Speaker and the delegation of the Italian Senate

31 October 2017 The National Assembly Speaker and the delegation of the Italian Senate

Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Gojkovic with Italian Senate Delegation

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic met today with a delegation of the Italian Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee and spoke how the extensive parliamentary cooperation contributes to the overall friendly relations between the two countries.

Gojkovic thanked Italy and its Senate for their sincere support of Serbia’s EU accession efforts as evidenced in the Resolution of Support for Serbia’s Euro-integration passed by the Senate. The National Assembly Speaker said that Serbia is committed to the European path reminding the guests that the country has so far already opened 10 negotiation chapters and is expected to open additional three by the end of the year, and added that the European officials’ message that the EU enlargement policy is still going strong is especially important in this context.

Gojkovic also said that Serbia is dedicated to the dialogue with Pristina and the implementation of the agreement, stressing how important it would be to finally establish the Community of Serb Municipalities. Gojkovic emphasized the importance and need for the UN Security Council to continue to examine the reports on the situation in Kosovo-Metohija, adding that Serbia expected Italy’s support as a non-permanent UNSC member.

Paolo Corsini, First Vice-Chairman of the Italian Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee who was heading the delegation, said that Italy would continue to support Serbia’s Euro-integration, stressing that Europe needs Serbia.

Senator Vittorio Petrocelli who was also in the delegation of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee reaffirmed that Italy supports Serbia’s European integration emphasizing the importance of interparliamentary relations as a significant impulse for the development of cultural and other kinds of cooperation.

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