Sunday, 22 March 2020

Gojkovic Sends Letter of Thanks to Chairman of Chinese National People's Congress Standing Committee

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic sent a letter of gratitude to the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chinese National People's Congress Li Zhanshu, thanking the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese people for their help in the Republic of Serbia’s fight against the corona virus.

“On behalf of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and myself, I would like to extend our most sincere and profound gratitude to Your leadership, the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China and the Chinese people for their help in the fight against the corona virus, sent so selflessly in one of the most difficult moments for Serbia and its citizens, that will save countless lives.”

The Serbian Assembly Speaker said that the assistance and support sent in a brotherly fashion at a time when the whole world is locked in a pitched battle with a vicious invisible foe best affirms the immense power on the steel-cast friendship between the two leaderships and nations and is a shining example of selflessness and solidarity.

“We stand in awe of the determination, wisdom, strength and self-sacrifice thanks to which you have won yet another historic battle against one of the biggest plagues of our times. This victory is a source of hope for mankind and keystone of the belief that we will, with your help, manage to prevail in this tragic ordeal.”

The National Assembly Speaker said that Serbia has invested all of its efforts into protecting life as the highest of values.

“This is the strength that will help us persevere and after the battle continue to build a better future with more strength and dedication, to the benefit of our people. It is my most profound belief that we will succeed, starting from the common principles of solidarity and mutual trust that we have been cultivating with such dedication and which are today being proven in the best possible way.”

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