Monday, 8 May 2017

Gojkovic Addresses Pan-African Parliament and Has Series of Meetings with Heads of Parliament

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic, visiting the Pan-African Parliament at the invitation of its President Roger Nkodo Dang, addressed its members today at the opening of the regular plenary session.

On the occasion, Gojkovic said that Serbia is firmly committed to continue promoting the friendly relations and cooperation with the African Union and its member states.

The National Assembly Speaker thanked the African Union member states which had recognized the problem posed by the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo as an unacceptable and extremely dangerous precedent accompanied by a devastating impact on global stability and asked them to persevere in their stance and contribute to the preservation of peace and stability in the SEE region, and to the Serbian Government’s efforts to find a solution to the problem through dialogue.

Gojkovic asked for support to thwart the attempts of the self-declared state of Kosovo to join organizations such as UNESCO because this would, among other things, open the gates to destruction and disappearance of invaluable cultural heritage not only of the Serbian people, but of the world at large.
Gojkovic stressed that the values and principles our cooperation was based on live on and that Serbia, currently in the midst of the EU accession process and who has the status of observer in the African Union, fully supports the vision and objectives of the organization based on the tenets of the UN Charter.

Gojkovic said that the future positive results of development of the Serbian economy would be accompanied by its capacity to comprehensively and concretely develop economic cooperation with African partners and added that the guidelines for the improvement of economic cooperation are defined in the Memorandum of Understanding and Economic Cooperation signed by the Serbian Government and the Commission of the African Union.

Gojkovic also met with the President of the Pan-African Parliament and the heads of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean, Arab Parliament, Parliament of South Africa, Madagascar and dignitaries from African Union member states to discuss strengthening and promoting relations, intensifying parliamentary cooperation and developing economic relations.

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