Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Fourth Sitting of the Environmental Protection Committee

Pursuant to Article 71 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure, Environmental Protection Committee Chairman Aleksandar Jovanovic convened a sitting on11 October 2022 at the request of nine Committee members.

The Committee worked according to the agenda listed in the request to hold the sitting viz. considering the justification of the slope at the of Mt.Starica in Majdanpek from the aspect of environmental protection, existing regulations and professional standards and the Report of the Ministry of Mining and Energy on the activities performed and planned on the rehabilitation of the unstable slope at the foot of Mt.Starica Severni revir open pit.

Dejan Milijanovic, assistant minister for mining and geology, Jelena Tanaskovic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, and Zoran Pavlovic, assistant minister in charge of inspections, spoke on the topic.

Following a discussion, the Committee members adopted the proposal of Committee Deputy Chairman Milimir Vujadinovic to adopt the reviewed Report of the Ministry of Mining and Energy, as well as the proposal to denounce the violation of the Rules of Procedure by the Committee Chairman for not reacting to the speech of Ivana Parlic in a timely manner and that the Committee distances itself from the statement that undermines the dignity of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and its citizens by comparing its system with fascism and Hitler.

The Committee also accepted the proposal of Committee member Marijan Risticevic to vote on the violation of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure by the Committee Chairman.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Aleksandar Jovanovic, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Dusan Radojevic, Milimir Vujadinovic, Jasmin Hodzic, Dusan Maric, Marijan Risticevic, Aleksandar Mirkovic, Marko Mladenovic, Dejan Bulatovic, Ivana Parlic, Marija Jovanovic and Prof. Dr Zoran Radojicic and MP Radmila Vasic who is not member of the Committee.

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