Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Fourth Meeting of the Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum

At the meeting held on 28 March, the members of the Serbian Parliamentary Energy Policy Forum were presented project green building, the first of its kind in Serbia.

The project was presented by representatives of company “Stattwerk” director Miras Mirasevic, architect Sara Petrovic and company lawyer Milica Djordjevic. The company reconstructs derelict buildings using green and energy efficient architecture and its project of rebuilding and re-purposing of the former Beobanka Building in Zeleni Venac will result in the first green energy efficient high-rise in the Balkans.

Besides its aesthetic qualities, this project will contribute to Belgrade’s visual identity and the green façade will help regulate the microclimate conditions in the surrounding area, clear the surrounding air and reduce noise and air pollution, said architect Sara Petrovic. In addition to vertical gardens and green roofs the building would also be energy efficient which would be achieved through the use of different technologies and renewable energy sources. The building will also be the first eco-centre in the Balkans i.e. office space for energy efficiency and sustainable development companies and a public educational info centre. The project is expected to launch eco-industry in Serbia, secure parking space for conventional vehicles, as well as electronic cars and bicycles, raise eco-awareness and add to Belgrade’s tourist appeal, Petrovic concluded.

The representatives of “Stattwerk” and the MPs, who were impressed by the idea of a green building, discussed the survival of green areas in the long run, their maintenance and funding after the construction, saving electrical power during the winter and summer months, technologies to prevent concrete erosion due to the construction of the green façade, realizing this kind of project on residential buildings in Serbia, raising public awareness on renewable energy sources, culture of living, etc.

Project author, architect Miras Mirasevic said that the building’s green areas will contain 10 plant species resistant to pollution, the cold, heat and wind, 70% of which will be winter, and 30% summer plants. After its completion the building should yield significant energy savings since its green façade will reduce outside temperature by 5 to 17°C and inside 8 to 11°C, and the company would be using the most up-to-date sources of heating/cooling. He added that only eco-friendly and recycled materials will be used in the rebuilding.

The meeting was chaired by Parliamentary Forum Chairperson Dr Aleksandra Tomic and attended by the Forum founders Maja Macuzic, Snezana B. Petrovic, Snezana R. Petrovic, Marijan Risticevic and Dr Branislav Blazic, now State Secretary at the Ministry of Environment, as well as MPs interested in taking part in the Parliamentary Forum’s work: Slavisa Bulatovic, Zvonimir Djokic, Gordana Comic, Prof. Dr Ljubinko Rakonjac, Snezana Paunovic, Vera Paunovic, Dr Danijela Bukvic, Natasa Mihailovic Vacic and Nada Lazic.

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