12 December 2014 Fifth sitting of the Committee on the Rights of the Child

12 December 2014 Fifth sitting of the Committee on the Rights of the Child

Friday, 12 December 2014

Fifth Sitting of the Committee on the Rights of the Child

At its fifth sitting, held on 12 December, the Committee on the Rights of the Child unanimously adopted the conclusions of the public hearing on the “25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child – addressing the problem of children living and working on the streets”.

The sitting was opened by Committee Deputy Chairperson Nada Lazic who thanked the Sremski Karlovci ecological centre “Radulovacki” for its help in the organisation of the sitting.

The Committee members discussed the formation of several working groups aimed at controlling the implementation of the laws relating to inclusion, protection of children against domestic violence, assistance to families with children with developmental disorders and disabilities, child support and the segment concerning petitions and proposals sent to the Committee.

The Committee members also discussed the possible formation of a working group to monitor the situation and improvement of the position of children living and working on the streets.

The Committee members went on to adopt the Committee on the Rights of the Child 2015 activity plan and programme.

The Committee agreed that it should initiate public hearings and use the institute of parliamentary questions at the National Assembly sessions toward a more efficient addressing of problems and monitoring of the implementation of laws relating to the protection and promotion of children’s rights. They also discussed the mechanisms of cooperation with schools.

The sitting was attended by UNICEF representative Jadranka Milanovic who offered the Committee members expert support as regards the analysis of laws relating to children’s rights.

The sitting held outside of the National Assembly HQ, at the Sremski Karlovci ecological centre “Radulovacki”, was organised with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) via project Strengthening the Oversight Role and Transparency of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Deputy Chairperson Nada Lazic.

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