Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Eighteenth Sitting of the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija

At the sitting held on 10 November, the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija completed a discussion on the upcoming local elections called for 15 November 2009 in AP Kosovo-Metohija and organised by the provisional institutions of Kosovo-Metohija.

At the sitting held on 10 November, the Committee on Kosovo-Metohija completed a discussion on the upcoming local elections called for 15 November 2009 in AP Kosovo-Metohija and organised by the provisional institutions of Kosovo-Metohija.

Taking part in the discussion, Assistant Minister of Kosovo-Metohija Bojan Andjelkovic stressed that this was the first time that the provisional institutions and not the international community have called elections in Kosovo-Metohija and that they were contrary to the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia. He reminded the Committee that the President of Serbia and the Government and Minister of Kosovo-Metohija have repeatedly stated that the conditions have not been met for the Serbs to participate in the illegally called elections in Kosovo-Metohija and that the position of all the state authorities was very clear on the matter.

The Committee members also endorsed the unified position that the local elections called for 15 November should be ignored. They agreed that a clear message should be sent from the sitting, so the Committee unanimously adopted this Conclusion.

The Committee Chairman scheduled the next sitting for 15 November 2009, at 12 p.m. at the Gracanica Culture House.

In the continuation, the representative of the Ministry of Kosovo-Metohija informed the Committee members on the protection of the cultural heritage in AP Kosovo-Metohija and briefed them on the current power supply problem suffered by Serbian churches and monasteries.

The sitting was chaired by Ljubomir Kragovic, Committee Chairman.

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