National Assembly Deputy Speaker and Chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee Marina Ragus met today with Algerian Ambassador to Serbia Fatah Mahraz, with whom she spoke about the current global developments and the advancement of bilateral relations between Serbia and Algeria.
The officials agreed that what is needed at the international level are politics with the vision and agenda of peace and stability. They also opined that both states need to have the same attitude toward respecting the norms of international law, that is, the UN Charter, sovereignty, territorial integrity and the rights of nations to decide their own destiny.
Ambassador Mahraz stressed that his country will stand firmly by the principle of solidarity, respect and friendship with Serbia as it did not recognise the unilaterally declared independence of the southern province and continue to provide its support at the international scene, as was the case at the UN General Assembly’s vote on the Srebrenica Resolution, when Algeria abstained.
Deputy Speaker Ragus said that Serbia cannot forget the support of the African countries in the UN and international forums on key issues of importance for our sovereignty and territorial integrity. She stressed that it is for our two countries to raise the level of cooperation and understanding which will be important in view of the global processes that lie ahead.
They also assessed that Serbia and Algeria have a solid basis to advance overall bilateral relations, especially parliamentary cooperation, because in the upcoming period, parliamentary diplomacy will play an important role on the international scene.