26 November 2018 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic and US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott at the Operation Halyard exhibition

26 November 2018 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic and US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott at the Operation Halyard exhibition

Monday, 26 November 2018

Deputy Speaker Marinkovic Opens Exhibition Operation Halyard

National Assembly Deputy Speaker Prof. Dr Vladimir Marinkovic opened the exhibition Operation Halyard, commemorating the largest WWII Allied rescue operation behind enemy lines.

“The Serbian peasants of the village of Pranjani and the members of the Yugoslav Army in the country helped, shared their bread and waited for the rescue of over 500 US pilots”, said Marinkovic. He added that 1943, 1944 and part of 1945 will be written in gold in the history of Serbia and its people and are one of the pillars of the alliance between the US and Serbia.

US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott also addressed the attending, saying that the exhibition tells the inspirational story of courage, dedication and solidarity in the common fight against evil.

“Serbian families risked their lives and the lives of their children to help the Allies in the fight against the common enemy”, Scott said. He believes that the exhibition is one more example of the deep ties between Serbs and Americans.

The US Ambassador went on to say that the difficult period during the 1990s is also part of our shared history and though some would only focus on that painful past, he still does not believe that that is the best Serbia can give or part of the future of what Serbia can do, leading the region toward peace, prosperity and stability.

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