Monday, 11 April 2022

Dacic Congratulates New Belgrade Day

The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Ivica Dacic congratulated the Day of New Belgrade to all of its residents:

"Happy New Belgrade Day, 11 April, to all the residents of New Belgrade, especially those who participated in its creation and transformation into the largest and most modern part of Serbia. This is day when in 1948 a home for hundreds of thousands of people and a symbol of a new time started to take shape. A city built on the solidarity of millions of our citizens and their desire for progress and peace. New Belgrade is more than just boulevards, palaces, schools and promenades, first and foremost, New Belgrade is a symbol of our unity and progress. It remains the same to this day as it stands open to people from all over the world and keeps the memory of its builders and all of its proud inhabitants."

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