14 December 2017 The conference “The Economist – The World in 2018”

14 December 2017 The conference “The Economist – The World in 2018”

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Conference “The Economist – The World in 2018”

The most important tasks before Serbia in 2018 are maintaining an independent foreign policy and regional stability, as well as fiscal stability and economic growth.

At the opening of the conference “The Economist – The World in 2018”, the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Maja Gojkovic stressed that maintaining an independent foreign policy and regional stability in these changing times, as well as fiscal stability and economic growth, are without a doubt the most important tasks facing Serbia in 2018.

The Parliament Speaker said that Serbia’s policy is clear - full EU membership remains one of its foreign policy priorities, as well as maintaining the best possible relations with Russia, China, the US and everybody else.

Gojkovic said that the reforms launched by the then Prime Minister and now President Aleksandar Vucic had stabilized public finances, in turn allowing for a possible increase in salaries and pensions, as well as investments which go up by 30% in the next year, and it is safe to say the Serbian citizens will live better in 2018.

The National Assembly Speaker said that developing regional cooperation grounded in mutual trust and understanding is yet another of Serbia’s goals, adding that the regional cooperation is improving, but maybe not at a pace we would like it to.

“However, Serbia perseveres in seeking common interests and has been launching a series of initiatives to foster better ties in the region, first and foremost economically through common infrastructural projects, and by encouraging investment and trade, all to make the regional market conducive to economic growth. Cooperation within the Berlin Process plays an important role in these efforts”, said Gojkovic.

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister Zorana Mihajlovic hopes that in 2018 the results of Serbia’s uninterrupted government policy - recovering the state’s reputation, regional stability and creating real prospects for the people living in Serbia, as well as those would like to invest in it, would become much clearer.

She emphasized the importance of the strategic relations with China, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates which she said are not only the result of economic growth, but of decades of friendship and cooperation. Speaking of the roads which “now lead into, and not like not so long ago, out of Serbia” Mihajlovic said that 200 km of highway built on Corridor 10 and 11 are now traversed by 17 million cars more than 2014.

“The key words for Serbia in 2018 will be stability, development, better living standards and improved gender equality”, said Mihajlovic.
Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs Zoran Djordjevic said that making social cards would be the Ministry’s priority in 2018 which will help the state battle abuse and corruption and make sure aid goes to the people who need it.

The Mayor of Novi Sad said that the city is the second biggest “construction site” in Serbia with about 700 active building sites, most of which are of national importance.

The conference is to have five panel discussions: “Europe and the world against the threat of terrorism”, “Where is the Serbian economic boat sailing”, “Global warming and potential crisis hotspots” and “The new online shopping platform from the Serbian retail leaders”. The participants will also discuss the corridors and logistics industry in Serbia, as well as cultural diplomacy in the digital era.

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