2 November 2017 The National Assembly Speaker and the Chinese Ambassador to Serbia

2 November 2017 The National Assembly Speaker and the Chinese Ambassador to Serbia

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Chinese National People's Congress’ Donation to National Assembly

National Assembly Speaker Maja Gojkovic thanked the Chinese National People's Congress and its Chairman Zhang Dejiang for the valuable donation of technical equipment which would greatly improve the Parliament’s work.

“I would like to thank the Chinese Parliament and Chairman Zhang Dejiang who had announced this donation during his recent visit to Serbia. This gesture is proof of the firm friendship between our states. Chairman Zhang is a big friend to Serbia and its people, who said that we can be proud that we have managed to build such a firm friendship despite the huge geographical distance”, said the Serbian Assembly Speaker.

Gojkovic said that the recent visit of the Chinese parliamentary delegation headed by Chairman Zhang was significant, successful and meaningful, during which the National Assembly lent its contribution to the improvement of overall relations by signing a Memorandum of Cooperation.

The Serbian Assembly Speaker announced a visit to China at the invitation of the Chairman of the National People's Congress in the last week of November, which would be an excellent opportunity to discuss concrete models of cooperation between the two parliaments and contribute to the improvement of the bilateral relations between Serbia and China.

“I am very proud of our friendship, we are grateful that China thinks of Serbia and supports it in matters of national importance, and Serbia will strive to repay its Chinese friends in kind”, said Gojkovic adding that she is proud of the fact that Serbia is China’s first regional strategic partner.

Chinese Ambassador to Serbia Li Manchang conveyed Chairman Zhang’s warm regards and thanks for the recent successful visit to Serbia which was a significant step forward in the two countries’ relations.

”You were excellent hosts, the delegation had a very successful visit and took away many pleasant memories. We expect you in China”, said the Ambassador and personally thanked the Parliament Speaker for her attention to the development of relations between the two parliaments and countries.

Li Manchang said that the donation to the Serbian Parliament is one more proof of cooperation which he hoped would continue in the future.

The Chinese Ambassador and National Assembly Deputy Secretary-General Branko Marinkovic signed the contract of donation worth 300,000 USD.

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