3 March 2020 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic in meeting with the delegation of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska

3 March 2020 National Assembly Deputy Speaker Veroljub Arsic in meeting with the delegation of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Arsic Meets with Republic of Srpska European Integration and Regional Cooperation Committee Delegation

The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Veroljub Arsic met today at the National Assembly House with a delegation of the Committee on European Integration and Regional Cooperation of the Republic of Srpska, headed by Committee Chairman Igor Crnadak.

Arsic said that the relations between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska are at a high level as evidenced by the recently successful session of the two parliaments’ Cooperation Commission as the highest form of parliamentary cooperation. He said he was sure that the cooperation would be intensified and expanded in the future through more frequent reciprocal visits.

“It is important to have our parliaments’ working bodies exchange experiences because that will contribute to the achievement of the strategic goals of EU accession and regional cooperation. The Republic of Serbia is always ready to help the Republic of Srpska in any area”, Arsic stressed.

Crnadak said that last week’s visit of the Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Srpska Nedeljko Cubrilovic to Serbia gave a new dimension to the cooperation between the two parliaments which has reached the highest level so far.

“Our Committee is very interested in exchanging European integration experience with a special focus on legislative harmonization with the EU acquis since Serbia has gone further in the process. We are also focused on regional cooperation and advancement of the parliament’s control role where it is vital to duly inform the public about all the activities”, Crnadak concluded.

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