22 February 2024 The AIPAC delegation at the National Assembly

22 February 2024 The AIPAC delegation at the National Assembly

Thursday, 22 February 2024

AIPAC Delegation Visits National Assembly

A delegation of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), headed by President Michael Tuchin, visited the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia today.

In the course of the meeting with Dr Vladimir Orlic, Marina Ragus and Milovan Drecun, the officials declared the friendship between the Serbian and Jewish people sincere and traditional, proven in times of the most difficult challenges.

They all praised the previous intensive cooperation with AIPAC and the Serbian National Assembly expressed readiness to additionally intensify its activities and contacts with the Israeli Knesset and the American Congress so as to strengthen partnerships in numerous areas of interest.

In the course of the conversation, Dr Orlic underlined that the Republic of Serbia is strongly oriented towards its own comprehensive development, continuing to achieve success in all spheres and, in the conditions of serious security challenges in Kosovo-Metohija, on preserving peace and stability for all. "You heard it from the President of the Republic, Aleksandar Vucic, at the recent session of the UN Security Council: according to all definitions of public international law, a crime against humanity is being committed against Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija. It is necessary to urgently stop the terror and enable people to live a normal life," said Dr Orlic and pointed out that peace is vital for progress and that Serbia has big plans for the development of its economy, infrastructure and quality of life through the "Leap into the Future - EXPO 2027" project. "We want to cooperate with all of our friends in this," said Dr Orlic.

At the meeting, members of the delegation of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee emphasised the role of parliaments in intensifying the joint work between Serbia, the US and Israel. They welcomed the cooperation with our country’s institutions, expressing their readiness and presenting concrete proposals for its additional improvement in the future.

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