Tuesday, 19 March 2019

99th Sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues

At the sitting held on 19 March, the members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues considered the Bill on the Financing of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Proposal of the Resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on Vojvodina, submitted by MPs Nenad Canak, Olena Papuga and Nada Lazic.

Presenting the Bill on the Financing of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, representative of the submitters MP Nada Lazic said that the reason behind it is the realization of Article 184 of the Constitution of the republic of Serbia, which also provides the constitutional grounds for its adoption. This Article stipulates that AP Vojvodina shall have direct revenues for financing its competences, kind and amount of direct revenues shall be stipulated by the Law, the Law shall specify the share of autonomous provinces in the part of revenue of the Republic of Serbia and the budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina shall amount to at least 7% in relation to the budget of the Republic of Serbia, bearing in mind that three¬ sevenths of the budget of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina shall be used for financing the capital expenditures. She chiefly focused on Vojvodina’s financing problems stemming from the 2013 Budget System Law, reminding the Committee members that 10 years have elapsed since the time the state was supposed to pass said Law.

Following a debate the Committee members found the Bill on the Financing of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

Representative of the submitters MP Nada Lazic also presented the Proposal of the Resolution of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia on Vojvodina, after which the Committee found it not to comply with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Djordje Komlenski and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Milena Corilic, Jelena Zaric Kovacevic, Vesna Markovic, Aleksandra Majkic, Nedjo Jovanovic, Bojan Torbica, Bajro Gegic, Vojislav Vujic, Aleksandar Markovic, Krsto Janjusevic and Dr Balint Pasztor.

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