Wednesday, 23 December 2015

39th Sitting of the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy

At the sitting held on 23 December, the members of the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy discussed the Bill on Cooperatives, Bill on Chambers of Commerce, Bill on Central Register of the Temporary Limitations of Rights of Persons Registered at the Business Registers Agency, Bill amending and modifying the Law on Privatisation, and the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Right to Free Shares and Financial Compensation to the Citizens in the Privatisation Process, in detail.

Out of the 237 amendments the MPs had submitted to the Bill on Cooperatives, the Committee and the Government decided to accept two – to Article 39 and Article 69, submitted by MP Milan Novakovic. The Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy also submitted three amendments of its own to the Bill on Cooperatives Article 23, paragraph 5, Article103 and Article104. The representative of the submitter, Minister of Economy Zeljko Sertic did not accept the amendments to Article 23, paragraph 5, and Article103, but accepted the amendment to Article 104.

Out of the 120 amendments the MPs had submitted to the Bill on Chambers of Commerce, the Committee and the Government decided to accept three – to Article 4 jointly submitted by MPs Balint Pasztor, Elvira Kovacs, Arpad Fremond, Zoltan Pek and Annamaria Vicsek, to Article 7 to add Article 7a to the Bill, and to Article 42 to add Article 42 to the Bill, submitted by MPs Dr Aleksandra Tomic and Zoran Babic.

The MPs had submitted 91 amendments to the Bill on Central Register of the Temporary Limitations of Rights of Persons Registered at the Business Registers Agency, out of which the Committee and the Government decided to accept one, to Article 23 submitted by MPs Zoran Zivkovic and Vladimir Pavicevic.

The Committee and the Government accepted three of the 123 amendments submitted to the Bill amending and modifying the Law on Privatisation – to Article 3 submitted by MPs Zoran Zivkovic and Vladimir Pavicevic, and to Article 31 and Article 34 submitted by MPs Dr Aleksandra Tomic and Zoran Babic.

The Committee and the Government accepted none of the 18 amendments submitted to the Bill amending and modifying the Law on the Right to Free Shares and Financial Compensation to the Citizens in the Privatisation Process.

The sitting was attended by Minister of Economy Zeljko Sertic.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairperson Dr Aleksandra Tomic and was attended by Committee members Sinisa Maksimovic, Radmilo Kostic, Olivera Pauljeskic, Ivan Karic, Ivana Dinic, Goran Ciric, Goran Vukadinovic, Dejan Kovacevic, Zoran Pralica and Vladan Milosevic.

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