Thursday, 2 July 2015

38th Sitting of the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee

At the sitting held on 2 July, the Defence and Internal Affairs Committee deliberated on the Bill on the Confirmation of the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces, accompanied by the Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces and the Further Additional Protocol to the Agreement among the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty and the other States participating in the Partnership for Peace regarding the Status of their Forces, submitted by the Government.

State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence Zoran Djordjevic provided the rationale on the Bill, and the Committee members, after a brief discussion, decided to propose that the National Assembly accept the Bill.

The Committee members also decided to organise a public hearing on cyber security in the Republic of Serbia on 10 September 2015.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairperson Marija Obradovic.

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thursday, 19 september
  • 12.00 - sitting of the Committee on Administrative, Budgetary, Mandate and Immunity Issues (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 3)

  • 13.00 - the Deputy Chairman of the European Integration Committee meets with a member of Bundestag (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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