Monday, 2 December 2019

32nd Sitting of the Security Services Control Committee

At the sitting held on 2 December 2019 and closed to the public, the Security Services Control Committee expressed serious concern about the treatment of the office of President of the Republic and appealed to the state authorities to react. The Committee members denounced the pressure exerted on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and other functionaries of the Government of the Republic of Serbia stressing that it is high time to stop the hate speech and putting of targets on the foreheads of the most important state dignitaries.

The Committee also considered and adopted the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defence Services Activity Report.

The Inspector General realized all the scheduled tasks in full and duly cooperated with the Military Intelligence and Military Security agencies which, in the Committee members’ opinion, improved the quality, efficiency, legality and regularity of the services’ work.

In the reporting period the Inspector General surveyed the implementation of special procedures and measures for the collection of confidential data in the purview of the director, Higher and Supreme Court of Cassation in six centres of the Military Intelligence and Military Security agencies. No irregularities were noted in the implementation of special procedures and measures surveyed. The special procedures and measures surveyed were implemented in accordance with law and relevant procedures.

In the coming period the Committee plans to continue with its regular activities of supervision and control of the legality of the work of the security services in which, the Committee members stressed, the cooperation with the Inspector General is an important element of civil and democratic control over the operation of the services of the Ministry of Defence which contributes to the furthering of the legality and efficiency of the services’ work, so the cooperation with the Inspector General will continue to be furthered in future.

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