Tuesday, 14 December 2021

29th Sitting of the Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government

At the sitting held on 14 December 2021, the members of the Committee on the Judiciary, Public Administration and Local Self-Government considered the Proposal of the Decision on the election of judges to judicial office for the first time and the Proposal of the Decision on the election of High Judicial Council member from the ranks of appellate court judges, submitted by the High Judicial Council.

On behalf of the submitter the decision proposals were presented by Zarko Pavlovic, member of the High Judicial Council from the ranks of judges.

The Committee unanimously adopted the Proposal of the Decision on the election of judges to judicial office for the first time and the Proposal of the Decision on the election of High Judicial Council member from the ranks of appellate court judges, submitted by the High Judicial Council.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Deputy Chairperson Biljana Pantic Pilja and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Djordje Dabic, Sanja Jefic Brankovic, Daniel Gyivanovity, Nebojsa Pavlovic, Dejan Kesar, Doc. Dr Mihailo Jokoc, Dubravka Kralj, Toma Fila, Djordje Komlenski, Velibor Milojicic and Jelena Zaric Kovacevic.

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