Tuesday, 16 June 2015

28th Sitting of the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy

At the sitting held on 16 June, the Committee on the Economy, Regional Development, Trade, Tourism and Energy considered and unanimously adopted the Ministry of Mining and Energy Activity Report for the period 27 April 2014 – 24 April 2015.

The Report was presented by Mirjana Filipovic, State Secretary at the Ministry of Mining and Energy.

The Committee went on to consider the Energy Agency 2014 Annual Activity Report presented by Ljubomir Macic, President of the Agency Council. Speaking about the price of electrical power, Ljubomir Macic said that it should secure long-term sustainability of the power supply system, however the poor population categories should be protected when it comes to a rise in said price. Macic also said that, due to the floods, the quality of the power supply in the period covered by the Report was worse than before.

Following a debate, the Committee unanimously adopted a Conclusion on the reviewed Energy Agency 2014 Annual Activity Report.

The Committee members also discussed and adopted the Ministry of Trade, Tourism and Telecommunications Activity Report for the period 1 January – 31 March 2015, elaborated by the Ministry’s State Secretary Vesna Kovac.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairperson Dr Aleksandra Tomic.

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