Tuesday, 25 April 2017

26th Sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues

At the sitting held on 25 April, the members of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues considered the amendments to the Bill on Biomedical Assisted Reproduction and the Bill on Transfusion Medicine, submitted by the Government.

The Committee found all the amendments submitted to the Bill on Biomedical Assisted Reproduction compliant with the Constitution and the legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

The Committee also found all the amendments submitted to the Bill on Transfusion Medicine compliant with the Constitution and the legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Djordje Komlenski, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Vesna Markovic, Srbislav Filipovic, Aleksandra Majkic, Jelena Zaric Kovacevic, Petar Petrovic, Krsto Janjusevic, Bojan Torbica and Miroljub Stankovic.

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wednesday, 18 september
  • 10.00 - Fourth meeting of the National Assembly Collegium, 14th Legislature (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 1)

  • 13.00 - the Head of the PFG with Cyprus meets with the Cypriot Ambassador to Serbia (National Assembly House, 13 Nikola Pasic Square, hall 2)

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