National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia / Activities / Activity details
Monday, 27 December 2021
21st Sitting of the Environmental Protection Committee
At the sitting held on 27 December 2021, the Environmental Protection Committee reviewed the Ministry of Environmental Protection activity information for the period May – July 2021 and August – October 2021.
The Ministry Information was presented by State Secretary at the Ministry of Environmental Protection Jelena Tanaskovic who outlined the Ministry’s normative activities as well as the activities of the sectors within the Ministry.
Following a brief debate, the Committee adopted the Ministry of Environmental Protection activity information for the period May – July 2021 and August – October 2021.
The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Prof. Dr Ljubinko Rakonjac and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Jasmina Karanac, Ákos Újhelyi, Tomislav Jankovic, Dusan Maric, Gojko Palalic, Stanislava Janosevic, Zarko Bogatinovic and Nevenka Kostadinova.
Following a brief debate, the Committee adopted the Ministry of Environmental Protection activity information for the period May – July 2021 and August – October 2021.
The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairman Prof. Dr Ljubinko Rakonjac and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Jasmina Karanac, Ákos Újhelyi, Tomislav Jankovic, Dusan Maric, Gojko Palalic, Stanislava Janosevic, Zarko Bogatinovic and Nevenka Kostadinova.