Monday, 6 February 2023

15th Sitting of the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues

At the sitting held on 6 February 2023, the Committee on Constitutional and Legislative Issues considered the Bill on Judges in detail.

A total of 284 amendments were submitted to this Bill. The Committee found that the amendments to Article 51 of the Bill, submitted by MP Miodrag Gavrilovic, and to Article 114 of the Bill, jointly submitted by MPs Selma Kucevic, Enis Imamovic, Aleksandar Olenik and Shaip Kamberi, do not comply with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia. The Committee also found that the amendments submitted to Article 84 by the MPs of the People's Party Parliamentary Group of the Bill, jointly submitted by MPs Miroslav Aleksic, Vladimir Gajic and Stefan Jankovic and jointly submitted by MPs Slavica Radovanovic, Djordje Stankovic and Sanda Raskovic Ivic, are identical. The Committee found the rest of the amendments to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

Considering the amendments submitted to the Bill on Organisation of Courts, 204 in all, the Committee found the amendment to Article 97, jointly submitted by MPs Selma Kucevic, Enis Imamovic, Aleksandar Olenik and Shaip Kamberi, not to comply with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia, while the rest were found to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

Of the 314 amendments submitted to the Bill on Public Prosecution, the Committee found the following not to comply with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia: the amendment to Article 18 jointly submitted by MPs Radomir Lazovic, Biljana Djordjevic, Robert Kozma, Jelena Jerinic and Djordje Pavicevic, to Article 18 submitted by MPs Marinika Tepic, Borko Stefanovic, Jelena Milosevic, Dalibor Jekic, Danijela Grujic, Djordjo Djordjic, Zeljko Veselinovic, Vladimir Obradovic, Marija Lukic, Tatjana Pasic, Slavisa Ristic, Natan Albahari, Anna Oreg, Pavle Grbovic and Janko Veselinovic, to Article 18 jointly , submitted by MPs Zoran Lutovac, Dragana Rakic, Nebojsa Novakovic, Ksenija Markovic and Srdjan Milivojevic, to Article 18, jointly submitted by MPs Milos Jovanovic, Dejan Sulkic, Predrag Marsenic, Zoran Sandic, Miloratka Bojovic and Zoran Stojanovic, as well as the amendments jointly submitted to Article 19, by MPs Marinika Tepic, Borko Stefanovic, Jelena Milosevic, Dalibor Jekic, Danijela Grujic, Djordjo Djordjic, Zeljko Veselinovic, Vladimir Obradovic, Marija Lukic, Tatjana Pasic, Slavisa Ristic, Natan Albahari, Anna Oreg, Pavle Grbovic and Janko Veselinovic, to Article 54, jointly submitted by MPs Marinika Tepic, Borko Stefanovic, Jelena Milosevic, Dalibor Jekic, Danijela Grujic, Djordjo Djordjic, Zeljko Veselinovic, Vladimir Obradovic, Marija Lukic, Tatjana Pasic, Slavisa Ristic, Natan Albahari, Anna Oreg, Pavle Grbovic and Janko Veselinovic, to Article 83, jointly submitted by MPs Nebojsa Zelenovic, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Nebojsa Cakic, Jelena Kalajdzic, Djordje Miketic, Nikola Nesic, Milanka Nikolic and Danijela Nestorovic, and to Article 154, jointly submitted by MPs Selma Kucevic, Enis Imamovic, Aleksandar Olenik and Shaip Kamberi.

In accordance with Article 163, paragraph 2 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure, the Committee rejected the amendment adding a new Article 38b after Article 38a and the amendment adding a new Article 38v after Article 38b, jointly submitted by MPs Marinika Tepic, Borko Stefanovic, Jelena Milosevic, Dalibor Jekic, Danijela Grujic, Djordjo Djordjic, Zeljko Veselinovic, Vladimir Obradovic, Marija Lukic, Tatjana Pasic, Slavisa Ristic, Natan Albahari, Anna Oreg, Pavle Grbovic and Janko Veselinovic, as the National Assembly Rules of Procedure Article 161, paragraph 4 establishes that the submitter of an amendment cannot submit multiple amendments to the same article of a bill, alone or jointly with other MPs.

The Committee found the rest of the amendments to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

Of the 180 amendments submitted to the Bill on High Judicial Council, the Committee found the amendment to Article 44, jointly submitted by Zoran Lutovac, Dragana Rakic, Nebojsa Novakovic, Ksenija Markovic and Srdjan Milivojevic, to Article 44, jointly submitted by MP Tamara Milenkovic Kerkovic, Bosko Obradovic, Borko Puskic, Milovan Jakovljevic, Ivan Kostic and Radmila Vasic, to Article 44, jointly submitted by people's deputies Radomir Lazovic, Biljana Djordjevic, Robert Kozma, Jelena Jerinic and Djordje Pavicevic, to Article 44, submitted by MP Miroslav Aleksic, to Article 44, jointly submitted by MPs Marko Ristic, Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski, Nikola Dragicevic, Dragan Nikolic, Dragana Miljanic, Strahinja Erac, Zoran Zecevic and Bojana Bukumirovic, to Article 44, jointly submitted by MPs Danijela Nestorovic, Nebojsa Zelenovic, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Nebojsa Cakic, Jelena Kalajdzic, Djordje Miketic, Nikola Nesic and Milinka Nikolic and to Article 70, jointly submitted by MPs Selma Kucevic, Enis Imamovic, Aleksandar Olenik and Shaip Kamberi, not to comply with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

The Committee found the rest of the amendments to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

Of the 198 amendments submitted to the Bill on High Prosecutorial Council, the Committee found the following not to comply with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia: the amendment to Article 44, jointly submitted by MPs Marko Ristic, Milica Djurdjevic Stamenkovski, Nikola Dragicevic, Dragan Nikolic, Dragana Miljanic, Strahinja Erac, Zoran Zecevic and Bojana Bukumirovic, the amendment to Article 44, submitted by MP Miodrag Gavrilovic, the amendment to Article 44, jointly submitted by MPs Vladimir Gajic, Ivana Parlic and Stefan Jovanovic, to Article 44, jointly submitted by MPs Radomir Lazovic, Biljana Djordjevic , Robert Kozma, Jelena Jerinic and Djordje Pavicevic, to Article 44, jointly submitted by MPs Danijela Nestorovic, Nebojsa Zelenovic, Aleksandar Jovanovic, Nebojsa Cakic, Jelena Kalajdzic, Djordje Niketic, Nikola Nesic and Milinika Nikolic, to Article 44, jointly submitted by MPs Zoran Lutovac, Dragana Rakic, Nebojsa Novakovic, Ksenija Markovic, Srdjan Milivojevic and Nenad Mitrovic, as well as the amendment to Article 70, jointly submitted by MPs Selma Kucevic, Enis Imamovic, Aleksandar Olenik and Shaip Kamberi.

In line with Article 163, paragraph 2 of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure, the Committee rejected the amendment to Article 44, paragraph 1, jointly submitted by MPs Marinika Tepic, Borko Stefanovic, Jelena Milosevic, Dalibor Jekic, Danijela Grujic, Djordjo Djordjic, Zeljko Veselinovic., Vladimir Obradovic, Marija Lukic, Tatjana Pasic, Slavisa Ristic, Natan Albahari, Anna Oreg, Pavle Grbovic and Janko Veselinovic, as Article 161, paragraph 4 of the Rules of Procedure establishes that the submitter of an amendment cannot submit multiple amendments to the same article of a bill, alone or jointly with other MPs.

In line with the same Article of the National Assembly Rules of Procedure, the Committee also rejected the amendments to articles 71, 73 and 94, jointly submitted by MPs Marinika Tepic, Borko Stefanovic, Jelena Milosevic, Dalibor Jekic, Danijela Grujic, Djordjo Djordjic, Zeljko Veselinovic, Vladimir Obradovic, Marija Lukic, Tatjana Pasic, Slavisa Ristic, Natan Albahari, Anna Oreg, Pavle Grbovic and Janko Veselinovic, because the Bill has 70 articles.

The Committee found the rest of the amendments to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

The Committee found the two amendments submitted to the Bill amending the Law on the Constitutional Court, to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

All 16 of the amendments to the Bill amending the Law on Organisation and Competence of State Authorities Combating High Technology Crime were found to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

The amendment submitted to the Bill amending the Law on Organisation and Competence of State Authorities in War Crimes Proceedings, was also found to be compliant with the Constitution and legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

Of the four amendments submitted to the Bill amending the Law on Organisation and Competence of State Authorities in Suppression of Organised Crime, Terrorism and Corruption, the Committee found the one submitted to Article 1 by MP Marijan Risticevic not to comply and the rest to comply with the Constitution and the legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

Finally, the Committee found the two amendments submitted to the Bill amending the Law on the Design and Use of the Coat-of-Arms, Flag and National Anthem of the Republic of Serbia, to be compliant with the Constitution and the legal system of the Republic of Serbia.

The sitting was chaired by Committee Chairperson Jelena Zaric Kovacevic, and attended by the following Committee members and deputy members: Dr Ugljesa Mrdic, Dr Sanja Brankovic Jefic, Olja Petrovic, Zoran Tomic, Pavle Grbovic, Ljubinko Djurkovic, Dubravka Kralj, Sanja Lakic, Dr Zika Bujuklic, Nenad Mitrovic, Srdjan Simic and Vladimir Gajic, as well as MP Bosko Obradovic, who is not member of the Committee.

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