Monday, 16 May 2016

46th Meeting of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee in Istanbul

The Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia and Vice-President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Mr. Igor Bečić participated in the Forty-Sixth Meeting of the PABSEC Cultural, Educational and Social Affairs Committee held in Istanbul on 11 May 2016 upon the invitation of the Grand National Assembly of the Republic of Turkey. The Meeting was chaired by Mr. Ioan Vulpescu, the Chairman of the Committee (Romania).

The Meeting was addressed by Mr. Ramazan Can, the Head of the Turkish PABSEC Delegation and Mr. Asaf Hajiyev, the PABSEC Secretary General.

On behalf of Mr. Stefan Vlas, the member of the PABSEC Moldovan Delegation, Mrs. Violeta Ivanov, the PABSEC Vice-president and Head of the PABSEC Moldovan Delegation, presented the draft Report on “Problems of Refugees in the BSEC Member States – Social Aspects”. The draft Recommendation 151/2016 on the same subject was presented by Mr. Ioan Vulpescu, the Chairman of the Committee.

The Committee approved the draft Report and the draft Recommendation on “Problems of Refugees in the BSEC Member States - Social Aspect” that will be submitted for the consideration at the Forty-Seventh Plenary Session to be held in Moscow on 29-30 June 2016.

The Committee elected Mr. Özcan Ulupinar for the post of the Vice-Chairman of the Economic, Commercial, Technological and Environmental Affairs Committee for the period of two years.

The Meeting was attended by the national delegations of Armenia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine.

The topic of the Forty-Seventh Meeting will be “Education and Science for Sustainable Development in the BSEC Member States”.

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