Working Bodies

  • Wednesday, 10 January 2007

    21st sitting of the Foreign Affairs Committee

    On 10 January, members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia met the newly-appointed Serbian Ambassador to Belgium, Dr Aleksandar Fatic, before his departure to take up his new post.

  • Wednesday, 20 December 2006

    123rd sitting of the Legislative Committee

    At its 123rd sitting, held on 21 December, the Legislative Committee discussed the Proposal for the Adoption of an Authentic Interpretation of Article 127(1, 2) of the University Education Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No.

  • Tuesday, 5 December 2006

    83rd sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At the start of the sitting, held on 5 December, members of the Administrative Committee observed a minute’s silence in honour of deceased deputy Rodoljub Gacevic.

  • Thursday, 9 November 2006

    8th sitting of the Constitutional Issues Committee

    At its sitting held on 9 November, the Constitutional Issues Committee discussed the Constitutional Bill for the Implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia, proposed by the Government.

  • Wednesday, 1 November 2006

    14th sitting of the Children’s Rights Sub-Committee

    On 1 November, the Children’s Rights Sub-Committee held its fourteenth sitting, in the form of a roundtable devoted to violence against children.

  • Monday, 30 October 2006

    21st sitting of the Foreign Affairs Committee

    On 30 October, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held a brief sitting, chaired by Gordana Comic.

  • Tuesday, 17 October 2006

    World Poverty Day – roundtable held at Assembly House

    To mark World Poverty Day, the National Assembly’s Poverty Reduction Committee organised a roundtable devoted to ‘Fighting poverty – a step towards prosperity’ at Assembly House on 17 October 2006.On behalf of the organisers, the attendees were welcomed by the chairperson of the Poverty Reduction Committee, Snezana Stojanovic-Plavsic, who underlined that another four Assembly committees were involved in the roundtable – the Committee on Labour, Ex-Servicemen’s and Social Issues, the Education Committee, the Agriculture Committee, and the Local Self-Government Committee – and that the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Serbia Office was supporting the event.

  • Monday, 16 October 2006

    Deputies visit home for mentally challenged

    On 16 October, the chairperson of the Committee on Labour, Ex-Servicemen’s and Social Issues, Ivana Kovacevic, Committee member Slobodan Zivkucin, and Snezana Plavsic, chairperson of the Poverty Reduction Committee, visited the village of Jabuka, where Srce u Jabuci, a home for the mentally challenged, is located.

  • Monday, 16 October 2006

    20th sitting of the Foreign Affairs Committee

    The Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia held its 20th sitting, chaired by Gordana Comic, on 16 October.

  • Sunday, 8 October 2006

    82nd sitting of the Administrative Committee

    At a brief sitting held on 8 October, the Administrative Committee discussed the Request of the Special Prosecutor’s Office of the Belgrade District Public Prosecutor’s Office to grant the remand in custody of Milorad Cvijovic, Assistant Republic Public Prosecutor, suspected of abuse of authority in performing the office of Assistant Prosecutor.

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